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Popularity of acupuncture points

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From 251 papers, 386 studies were analysed and 381 unique acupuncture points were identified*; placed in order of occurrence from high to low the following table was produced ranking the acupoints in order of popularity. For example, ST-36 was the highest ranking most chosen point, being selected in 183 of the 386 studies or 47% of the time.

*This data is an extract from a research report compiled by Austin Austin in 2009 that sought to consider Ma Dan-Yang’s Heavenly Star Points including to some extent, Fine Jade True Person’s 11 Heavenly Star Points, and to compare their popularity with the most commonly used acupoints in contemporary practice. The author considered it of interest to know how popular the Heavenly Star Points might be in modern practice and what the most popular acupoints overall were. To accomplish this, papers and journals giving accounts of the use of acupoints were studied and the acupoints used were extracted. This data was used to deduce the most popular acupoints overall and rank them along with the 12 Heavenly Star Points. Other considerations such as Dan Jie point couplings and complex needle manipulation were considered as possible factors in the potency of the Heavenly Star Points. The results suggested that many of the Heavenly Star Points were ranked highly and therefore do appear to be popular points. As some acupoints seem to be significantly more popular than others, then perhaps these points warrant higher priority in point selection. It was concluded that the most popular and least popular acupoints merit further research to ascertain whether there is a relationship between popularity and efficacy.

**Moxa only


Reference list of studies used to obtain acupoint data for Popularity of the Acupuncture Points:

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